Apart from the Android version at F-Droid, none of the other downloadable installation files can be found in an official platform store.
Installations must therefore be carried out manually, taking into account the operating system-specific characteristics.
There are four .apk variants in the download area:
The first three are each versions intended for the specific ABI (hardware of the phone), while the last one contains all three previous versions. If you are unsure which ABI your phone is, you should install the last one. The disadvantage of this is that it is correspondingly larger. To install the .apk files you need to allow the installation of .apk files on your phone.
You can also install the full version directly from the official F-Droid Store. Depending on your security settings, Android may report that it is not an official signature from the Google Play Store (which is true), in which case you must agree to the installation.
IOS only allows permanent installations for apps from the Apple Store. You can therefore only install the cb_app.ipa file via sideloading in developer mode.
The installation for Linux is a .zip archive containing the executable file and the libraries of the app.
Unpack the archive and execute the file cb_app.
(Note: the Linux installation may be missing libraries, these must be installed later)
The .zip archive contains the necessary files to install the web version of the app on a web server.
To do this, unzip the .zip file into the root directory of the web server. If you install the app in a subdirectory of the web server, edit the index.html file according to the comment specified in it.
This is a Progressive Web App (PWA) that offers users the option of saving the app locally if the browser supports this.
MS Windows
There are two files in the download area, each of which offers different installation paths.
The file is a .zip archive which enables portable execution of the app. To do this, unzip the .zip file and run the cb_app.exe file. Since the .exe file was not installed from the Microsoft Store, you may have to explicitly allow/enable the execution.
The CBAppSetup.exe file is a Windows setup archive. You can use it to install the app with the corresponding menu/desktop entries. Depending on the security restrictions of your Windows installation, you may have to explicitly allow/enable the installation.